Well it's not long now until the first Dr Sketchy Nottingham show of 2010!
We're kicking off with a corker of a show, a tribute to the fabulous Bettie Page. Taking to the stage this time around we have two of the UK's top burlesque performers Anna Fur Laxis and Fanny Divine and an extra treat with Nottingham's very own Betty Jane modelling for us too. They will be providing us with the very best of good and bad Bettie poses to get your pencils smoking!
We have more fantastic prizes, thanks to our ever growing list of wonderful sponsers (there may even be another Robin Hood scribbling book in there if you're lucky) and more cupcakes than you can possibly stuff your faces with, courtesy of Dotty's Cafe on Mansfield Road.
Tickets are as usual on sale through the website and will be available to buy at the mini event we are running at the Central on Saturday 13th February as part of Nottingham's Light Night celebrations.
We'll hopefully see you there!
Scarlett x
FYI: We've added news of your event to the Forum for Bettie Page's authorized documentary. Feel free to add follow-up remarks! The film's website is: http://www.bettiepagemovie.com